

We are all coping with the current coronavirus crisis and efforts to contain the virus by social distancing. Dr. Harari is is here to help you manage and cope in these unusual and unique times by offering telemental health services. Teletherapy has been shown in research to be an effective form of therapy. Please follow the links below to learn more about teletherapy and how to prepare for online therapy:

Available Services

Individual Therapy   

(Free Consultation)

One-on-one therapy sessions focus on collaboratively and actively following an individualized treatment plan to help you understand and change unwanted thoughts, feelings and/or behavior patterns.


(Free Consultation) 

Mindfulness practice helps train the mind to focus on being present in the moment. While so much emotional distress drives one to dwell in the past or worry about the future, mindfulness cultivates living in the present.

​Supervision to Beginning Psychologists

(Free Consultation)

Supervision and case consultation are crucial in the professional development of early career psychologists. Case consultations are conducted on an as-need basis, while supervision is provided more regularly.

What is CBT?

Cognitive –behavioral therapy (CBT) is an empirically-validated form of therapy that is active, goal-directed, and effective. It focuses on examining the connections between your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

We all say things to ourselves about our world and experiences. But two people may have completely different thoughts and feelings about the very same situation, and thus respond differently to the situation. CBT emphasizes that there are alternative interpretations and idiosyncratic meanings of events. When working with a CBT therapist, thoughts (or “cognitions”) about distressing situations are examined for their personal meaning, and subjected to rational scrutiny to look for possible distortions. Very often we find that such thoughts are irrational and/ or unlikely, and can be restructured to better reflect reality. Research and clinical experience have shown that when we think more rationally about our world, we feel better about ourselves and our place in it.

At times, however, distressing thoughts may indeed be rational and realistic. This is where much of the “behavioral” part of CBT kicks in. In such cases, CBT therapists will often focus on developing coping skills, problem solving skills, relaxation techniques, and the like. Specific behavioral techniques are also called upon for specific problems- for example, exposure with response prevention (ERP) for Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or behavioral activation for Major Depressive Disorder. The recent scientific study of mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) approaches has added additional powerful tools and techniques to mental health treatment. Nellie regularly incorporates these “third wave” therapy components in treatment.


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